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Thursday, December 10, 2015


As we gear up for the New Year, it's imperative that we take some time to reflect. This year has been an amazing one for me; with a few bumps here and there. I appreciate the bumps, because it pushed me to step out on faith and do some of the things that I always wanted to do.  Starting this blog has been monumental; giving me a voice to share the many ideas that cloud my head daily.  It allowed me to touch individuals far and near; to make minimal changes in their lives for the better.  How rewarding is that!

We all should begin to recognize our shortcomings and try to recreate ourselves.  While some may think they have it all together or feel their life is grand, there's always room for growth. Life has a funny way of helping us evolved much faster then we want to sometimes; through situations and/or circumstances.  The situation is the test and how you handle it is the lesson.  Do we pass or fail?  I've failed many times, but holding myself accountable is where growth started to take place. We can always point fingers at external influences for our pit falls in life, but what good does that really do? I began to realize that the problems and challenges that we face in life are just problems and challenges.  What does that really mean?  It means that we will always have problems, but they are only as big as we make them. The more you focus on self, and improve areas in your life; only enhances your power. The lesson that I've learned this year is that the biggest antagonist that I face is ME!

As we move into 2016, let us not allow our reflections to whittle away.  Besides, awareness of our own thoughts and feelings is what make us human.  If we sacrifice a significant amount of that, who do we really become?  As my brother would tell me, "Make you a priority without compromise." Ask yourself, what will I do different to contribute to my success?  EXAMINE your failures and find ways to avoid them. EVALUATE the people worthy of your time and effort.  ELIMINATE any and everything that do not contribute to your growth.  Continuously aim to maximize your potential, and see how well you do. Always remember, that the biggest force that has control over you is... YOU!

1 comment:

  1. Toya, you are too wise for your years! My new mantra is, "I'm getting off this ride." Things that I have either outgrown or that no longer fit into what I want for my life fall into the "I'm getting off this ride" category.
    At 43, I'm still growing up.
