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Friday, June 3, 2016


As I get closer to my one year blog anniversary on the 24th of this month, I reflect back to where it all started.  Last year this time I experienced some challenging moments in my life.  It suddenly clicked that I deserved and needed better so I made a few changes.  Not just for me, but for an amazing two year old by the name of Marlei. Your children have a way of creating binary lenses for you that ignites super powers.  I find myself doing things that I never thought I could do; breaking barriers that I never even thought existed. That is what depicts the Modern women; a true Thoroughbred that can take some of life toughest situations and turn them into new opportunities.

My first post that I ever wrote, I gave the definition of a Thoroughbred and what it stood for.  Here I am, a year later talking about the same thing.  Why?  Well, the answer is simple.  This is who I am and this is the message that I want to spread; the BOLD and FEARLESS woman.  How do we become that Toya? Well, that's simple too; YOU JUST DO.  Don't be fooled by the propaganda, the hype on social media, or these philanthropists that seem to have all the answers on how to be this self confident person.  There's no book in this world that can give you confidence or ways of being bold and fearless.  It literally has to come from within; and God of course.  I laughed when I hear of these quick fixes people try to sell or people who offer advice on healing.  I say that because it's something that takes time and everyone move at a different pace in life.  It literally took for me to realize my own self worth, on my own time, in my own space.

As women of the 21st century, we fill many shoes.  When we think about the theory of evolution, women today are stronger than ever.  The Modern women aren't just housewives anymore.  The Modern women are hustling harder than men now a day.  How many men you know work a nine to five, pursue their passion after the nine to five, take care of a child/children, go home and cook, workout to keep their body looking somewhat in shape, and wear heels and a smile while doing it?  Yeah, I didn't think so.  The Modern women is more then strong, but damn there HEROIC! You know, having characteristics of a hero; somewhat like an Iron Man.

Today as Modern women, I celebrate you!  Let us get away from society nonsensical rules and expectations and continue to be women with a purpose.  Modern women are women who embody grace and confidence; hustle and strength. I titled this post "Modern Women: Street Style" because that is what we are.  We are in these streets, putting in long hours to create better opportunities for our families and ourselves.  Isn't that what street hustlers do? So let's continue to be above average, never settling for mediocrity.  Let's continue to dream big in our already fast paced roles and look good while doing it.  Not because it is easy, but because it is a must. Because Modern women of today are setting new trends, and creating a different type of society.  Will you join me?

*This post is sponsored by Fashion To Figure. All words are my own*

Shirt & Jeans: Fashion To Figure | Shoes: UrbanOG

Photography By: Richard Woumn


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