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Friday, October 2, 2015


I have just completed week three of boot camp.  I've successfully made it to the half way point and boy do I feel good. This week was even more challenging then last week; trying to balance work and kids on top of my 5am workouts.  With a twenty two month old keeping me up every night, it's a miracle that I'm even able to show up and keep up. Nonetheless, I push myself every morning. My trainer Latasha is so dedicated and is there each and every day, ALL DAY. Not to mention the men and women who show up every morning who are over the age of fifty.  That in itself is enough to keep you motivated.

Although this week has been long and tiresome, I've manage to complete every task.  From running 3.5 miles to sprinting up hills, Taddas Boot-Camp continues to push me to the limit, week after week.  I've said it before and will say it again; I would have never been able to do this on my own.  I am so proud to announce my midpoint results this week. This boot camp has not only increased my speed and agility, but also challenges me mentally. Each and every morning Latasha encourages us through quotes and scriptures.  This week, we did a yoga session that was so refreshing.  We were able to relax and put our mind at peace for an hour through meditation and other yoga exercises.  People don't realize that with "good workout" comes a balance that you must have.  This balance includes eating right, exercising, proper rest and a clear mind. Yoga definitely helps with having an uncluttered mind.

This camp has truly been amazing.  I've learned how to eat better, how to incorporate exercises while I'm watching TV or at work, and how to relieve my body of toxicity.  I'm fed daily with words that truly get me through the day sometimes.  We celebrate each other victories.  I've learn how to not rely on the scale but to appreciate the non-scale victories.  You're probably wondering what that is; yeah I did too.  A non-scale victory is not how much weight you lost, but it's the accomplishments that we achieve that we tend to overlook. For example, when I started the camp I was only able to do 35 sit-ups.  Three weeks later, I am now able to do 50 sit-ups. One lady in the camp wasn't able to stretch her leg back without assistance.  Three weeks later, she is now more flexible and can stretch her legs back without any assistance.  How amazing is that!  These are the victories that a scale will never show.  Like Latasha always says, "It's the small victories that we have to appreciate before God bless us with the big victories."  After putting it into perspective I realized she is so right.  In life we must appreciate the small things.

This is truly a monumental point in my life; a point where I am seeking ways to challenge myself to it's maximum potential.  I was once told by my brother to, "embrace struggle, it is your biggest teacher."  I never really understood what that meant until recently.  I would say, "Who wants to struggle, you sound crazy."  But I realize that if you aren't able to embrace struggle, then you will never know what you are capable of doing.  I struggle each and every morning at this camp.  Doing things that I didn't even know my body could do.  Nothing happens overnight.  It takes constant dedication and practice to achieve something that you really want.  I really want this! I really want to look back in a year and say, "at 190lbs I was able to run a marathon without stopping or my BMI is no longer considered obesity."  Your wants may be different, or you may be at a different point in your life, and that's OK. But I leave with you, that wherever you are in your life, stay consistent and dedicated.  God Bless!

Midpoint Stats:

Weighing in at 220 (as of 10/2/15) 

Lost 5 lbs
Meals I won from Another Dirty Apron
I look Crazy At 5am
Free Classes This Saturday & Childcare (Taddas Fitness)!! 

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