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Wednesday, June 24, 2015


What is a Thoroughbred? I get ask this question often times. I laugh because so many of my friends that call me this really don't even know the true definition of the name. They think it’s merely an Instagram or Twitter name I have given myself to satisfy my oh so confident attitude.  Well, surprisingly it’s more to the name then that.  Thoroughbred was a name given to me when I pledged Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. in April 2006.  I was that girl on the line with the New York attitude who felt I couldn't be broken. Being reared in Queens New York, I've always had a rough demeanor. A boldness about myself that I could never quite explain. Confident needless to say to the 100th power.  No matter how challenging things were, I seemed to always push my way through it. Mostly through laughter (I was the person on line who thought everything was funny).  See my brother Nasim had prepared me for Greek life; and the challenges that I would probably face while being on line.  His words were, "It’s all mental Toya, never take it personal." "If you are able to get through this, you will be able to overcome anything in life." That always stuck with me throughout the entire process and even now in my daily living.  After crossing those burning sands, my name was announced along with my other ten lovely line sisters, and I was astounded.  I felt like the name fit me perfectly.

Thoroughbred describes the specific breed of horses since the 17th century. Thoroughbreds are horses known for their speed, agility, and spirit (Wikipedia). A distinct breed, generally considered spirited and bold.  After looking up the meaning of the word, it made even more sense as to why the name was given to me. If I put my mind to doing something it has to get done immediately. I've never had problems meeting new people and building lasting relationships so I guess it’s safe to say I have a very positive and energetic spirit. So here we are!  I figured why not share this name with the world. The name "SheThoro" was derived from the word Thoroughbred. Taking the meaning of the word and making it specific for BOLD and SPIRITED women. Women who walk in style and grace no matter how hard life gets. Women who are able to turn adversity into success. Woman who are mothers, entrepreneurs and leaders. That's what this word represents.  It's more than just a name. Anyone can have a name. It’s a movement.  It’s a lifestyle. It takes actions to be considered Thoro.  Like I always say, "By her moves, you will know, SheThoro."

Dress: PinkClove

Photography By: Richard Woumn



  1. I love it my friend. I am so proud of you. This name fits you like a glove, I will support you in any & everything you do. You are so inspiring. Definitely SHETHORO

    1. Awwww Daphne... Means so much.. Thanks and I appreciate you.

  2. I love it sis!!!!! You better strut your stuff girl! Love you!

  3. Thanks sis..... Means so much.. Love you

  4. Love love this! You are a beauftul person and have a beauftul spirit and I've always thought the name fit you perfectly.

  5. Now that's my girl! You wear "confidence" well. Each day God gives up the opportunity to inspire and cultivate others.

    1. Thanks Rosie. You were one of my greatest mentors. I truly miss AT&T days.

  6. Go Toya! I admire your confidence and you are such an inspiration for me and black women everywhere 💯👍

    1. Pam I really appreciate your kind words. Means so much and thank you for taking time out to read my blog.

  7. A name of confidence, assertiveness, and strength. It's a beautiful thing when you are sure of yourself and possess those qualities! Go head girl!!

    1. You are so right Kia.... Thanks for reading. Means so much
